Media & Entertainment

10 Achievements in Human History Once Thought Impossible

It seems like the news always expects the worst to happen. Many people do, as well, unfortunately. We have previously addressed this in the context of horrific events the news predicted, but that never happened. Today let’s look at a few amazing feats of human achievement that had been widely considered impossible. Those who did having been ridiculed in the press and by society at large. However, people have achieved remarkable feats that were once considered impossible. These accomplishments, whether in engineering, science, medicine, or sports, stand as testaments to the power of human creativity, determination, and innovation. Let’s delve into 10 such feats of human achievement and the reasons why they were initially viewed as insurmountable challenges, presented in chronological order:

1. Transatlantic Cable – Cyrus Field, 1866

Communication across the Atlantic Ocean was considered a formidable challenge in the 19th century. The vast distances and the technical hurdles of laying a telegraph cable on the ocean floor made it appear unattainable. Cyrus Field’s determination to bridge this gap faced numerous failures and setbacks. However, in 1866, the transatlantic telegraph cable was successfully laid, revolutionizing global communication and showcasing the ability of human engineering to overcome daunting obstacles.

2. Advent of Automobiles – Late 19th Century

In the late 19th century, the idea of automobiles replacing horses and carriages was met with skepticism. Many believed that horses had been the primary mode of transportation for centuries and that the noisy, unreliable “horseless carriages” could never replace them. However, the advent of automobiles, pioneered by figures like Karl Benz, Henry Ford, and Gottlieb Daimler, transformed the world’s transportation systems and marked the beginning of the automotive age.

3. Powered Flight – The Wright Brothers, 1903

When Orville and Wilbur Wright embarked on their mission to achieve powered flight, they faced scepticism and ridicule. Many believed that human flight was an unattainable dream due to the lack of technology and understanding of aerodynamics. Critics often questioned why anyone would attempt something so “foolish.” However, the Wright brothers persisted and, on December 17, 1903, in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, they achieved the first powered flight in history. Their success not only revolutionized transportation but also demonstrated the remarkable potential of human ingenuity.

4. Penicillin – Alexander Fleming, 1928

In the early 20th century, bacterial infections were a leading cause of death, and finding a cure was considered nearly impossible. The limited understanding of medicine and microbiology led many to doubt the feasibility of developing a miracle cure. However, Alexander Fleming’s accidental discovery of penicillin in 1928 changed the course of medical history. This revolutionary antibiotic not only effectively treated bacterial infections but also laid the foundation for the development of modern antibiotics, saving countless lives. At first, however, the discovery was met with doubt, and the medical community did not see it as useful. Luckily, it later became clear that Fleming had made an amazing scientific breakthrough.

5. Breaking the Four-Minute Mile – Roger Bannister, 1954

Running a mile in under four minutes was considered a physiological limit beyond the capabilities of the human body. Sceptics argued that achieving such a feat was biologically impossible. Roger Bannister shattered this belief in 1954 when he achieved a time of 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds. His determination and success not only pushed the boundaries of human performance but also inspired athletes worldwide to aim higher. Bannister’s record was broken again only 46 days later, but remains a milestone in athletic achievement.

6. Moon Landing – Apollo 11, 1969

The notion of landing humans on the Moon and bringing them safely back to Earth seemed impossible to many. Sceptics claimed that the immense distances involved, the harsh lunar environment, and the complexity of the required technology made it a mere fantasy. However, the Apollo 11 mission, led by NASA, shattered these doubts. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin stepped onto the lunar surface, turning science fiction into reality and showcasing the remarkable capabilities of human engineering and exploration. Some people still don’t believe the landing actually happened, but we’ll talk about that at a different time.

7. Peace between the European Great Powers

For centuries, the great powers of Europe, including Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, engaged in devastating conflicts and wars. The devastation of World War II served as a turning point, leading to the creation of the European Union (EU) with the goal of fostering cooperation and preventing future conflicts. The EU’s dedication to peace and diplomacy was recognized when it was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012. While there were still conflicts in Europe after World War II, the stability and friendship among former enemies within the EU are remarkable achievements that highlight the power of diplomacy and collaboration in overcoming historical animosities.

8. The Internet – The Birth of the World Wide Web, 1990s

The concept of a global interconnected network of computers, the Internet, was once seen as a distant and complex dream. Sceptics questioned how such a vast system could ever be realised, given the limitations of technology at the time. However, in the 1990s, British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web, transforming the way people communicate, share information, and conduct business. This achievement demonstrated the incredible power of human innovation and connectivity. Even the famed economist Paul Krugman got this wrong, having said that “By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the internet’s impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine’s.”

9. Human Genome Mapping – The Human Genome Project, 2003

Deciphering the entire human genetic code was viewed as an insurmountable task due to the perceived complexity and vastness of the human genome. Critics argued that it was an endeavour beyond the capabilities of science. Nevertheless, the Human Genome Project, an international research effort, achieved this monumental feat in 2003. This accomplishment not only advanced our understanding of genetics but also paved the way for breakthroughs in personalized medicine and biotechnology.

10. Artificial Intelligence – Advancements in Machine Learning, 21st Century

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies was once seen as science fiction. Sceptics doubted that machines could ever replicate human intelligence and decision-making. However, recent advancements in deep learning and neural networks have shown that AI systems can outperform humans in various tasks, from image recognition to natural language processing, revolutionizing industries and challenging our understanding of intelligence. We are now hearing certain people call for regulation as they fear AI will turn against us, which in reality is extremely unlikely. Ultimately, with the amazing possibilities AI will create in the years to come, it is easily one of the most amazing feats of human achievement.

Final Thoughts

These remarkable feats of human achievement, driven by determination and ingenuity, showcase the limitless possibilities of the human spirit. They serve as a reminder that innovation and perseverance can break down even the most stubborn barriers, opening new frontiers for human progress and understanding. And as far as the media as concerned, why so negative all the time? To be frank, it is a bit annoying that for literally centuries now, all we read and hear is that things are not going to work. We see the achievements above as motivation to think positive.

Sources and further reading:

Oxford University, “Is journalism inherently pessimistic? Why is there so much ‘bad news’?

BBC, “Why bad news dominates the headlines

Los Angeles Times, “Why do so much news seem negative? Human attention may be to blame

Written with Support from ChatGPT by OpenAI

Photo Credit: SpaceX/