Author: AW

Innovation & Technology

What Is Vertical Farming?

Food security has always been one of the most crucial aspects of human civilisation. From irrigation systems in ancient Mesopotamia to crop rotation, innovation has improved farming and food security for millennia. Vertical farming, a revolutionary agricultural practice, involves growing crops in vertically stacked layers instead of traditional horizontal fields. This innovative approach maximizes space utilization, making it particularly suitable for urban environments with limited land availability. Additionally, vertical farming utilizes hydroponic or aeroponic systems to deliver nutrients and water directly to plant roots, minimizing resource waste.

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Business & Finance

The 10 Biggest IPOs of All Time

Barely anything in the world of finance is as exciting as an IPO. Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) represent monumental milestones for companies seeking to go public to raise capital. These events mark the transition from private ownership to publicly traded entities, offering investors an opportunity to buy shares and become partial owners. Historically, some IPOs have captured global attention due to their sheer magnitude and impact on the financial markets.

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Innovation & Technology

The Rise of Electric Cars

The debate surrounding electric cars continues, with loads of opinions, information and ulterior motives floating around. We believe that electric vehicles (EVs) have a justified place in the future of transport, but they are likely not a fix all. We recommend sticking with the facts, doing proper research and staying open-minded towards technologies, such as alternative fuels. In this article, we will explore the potential of electric cars, including upsides, downsides, and the overall future trajectory.

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Business & FinanceInnovation & Technology

What Is Cloud Computing?

“The Cloud” has become a bit of a buzzword in tech over the last 10 or so years, with most businesses employing some form of cloud computing and several hacking scandals tarnishing the technology’s reputation. However, in today’s digital age, cloud computing is a cornerstone of modern IT infrastructure and business operations. But what exactly is the cloud, and how does it revolutionize the way we store, access, and process data?

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Business & Finance

A History of Money – Part 3

After exploring money history over the past centuries and millennia in Part 1 and Part 2, the final entry in our series unveils pivotal transformations in the realm of finance. As a matter of fact, the journey through history not only illuminates the origins of modern banking systems but also heralds the advent of digital currencies. In other words, this section serves as a comprehensive exploration of how money has metamorphosed over time.

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Life & Health

How To Build Resilience?

building resilience is a crucial skill that can greatly benefit individuals in various aspects of their lives. By developing resilience, individuals can navigate through life’s challenges more effectively, bouncing back from setbacks and adversity with resilience. Moreover, resilience contributes to improved mental health, reducing the risk of developing anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders.

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Innovation & Technology

The Differences Between AR and VR

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are two of the most interesting technological innovations of the 21st century, with applications ranging from healthcare to entertainment. Understanding the nuanced distinctions between AR and VR is essential in navigating their respective uses and functionality. AR integrates digital elements into the real world, enhancing perception and interaction. VR, conversely, immerses users entirely into a simulated environment, detaching them from reality. In other words, AR enriches reality, while VR creates a new one altogether.

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