Life & Health

Life & Health

The Science of Happiness – Unlocking Positive Psychology

Happiness, the pursuit of which is a universal human endeavour, transcends borders, cultures, and backgrounds, very rarely do you find someone who genuinely doesn’t want to be happy. For centuries, scholars, philosophers, and individuals have sought the elusive formula for leading a fulfilling and joyful life. In this quest, one field of psychology has emerged as a beacon of hope – Positive Psychology.

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Life & Health

10 Statistics that Show the World Is Doing Much Better Than Many Think

For years now it seems like we are in current crisis. Media in the US and Europe are usually filled with bad news, fear, catastrophe, and thoughts of the apocalypse. Bad things do indeed happen, and it is legitimate to report on them, but it can simply get to much and obscure reality. It is also important to remember that significant progress is being made across the globe. People are working hard every single day to make the world a better place, literally. These 10 statistics highlight remarkable advancements in various aspects of human well-being, shedding light on the positive changes that are shaping our world

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